X-Caliber Single Stage Injection Unit

​​The XCaliber-SS is less than 6” wide making it the most compact injection unit available.  When the XCaliber-SS is mounted on a mold parallel with the injection molding machine platten, only 3” of mold height is required to reach the melt path inlet.

The XCaliber-SS is another technological leap in compact mold mounted injection units pioneered by the original 2-stage XCaliber. The single stage XCaliber, employs a familiar reciprocating screw design.  The single reciprocating screw has the advantage that it maintains the first material in, first material out (FIFO) principle. Additionally the simplified melt path is very robust and requires less maintenance.

The unit is designed so the screw is fully retracted into the injection unit housing making assembly to the mold an easy task with the mold already hung in the machine.  The fully retracted screw also allows for easy mechanical screw cleaning making for very efficient color changes.

The most impactful innovation is our patent pending split barrel. The exit of the barrel is permanently fixed to the mold’s hot runner manifold, typically near the centerline of the mold. The reduction in flow length reduces the pressure drop, shear, and residence time the material experiences through the hot runner system.

The IU is totally self supported (fixed to the mold) without an additional support or stand occupying valuable floor space or requiring cumbersome molding machine guarding modifications. With the barrel inserted half the mold width into the mold only the balance of the injection unit is outside the mold.

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